Sunday, May 16, 2010

Telugu film – Rama Rama Krishna Krishna

How is it – Just a time pass movie if u r a regular movie buff.

Here is an actor whom I believe has all the qualities of becoming a mass hero.  He looks good, has good mannerism, fights and dances well.  He is also careful while selecting stories and directors.  But this time he has failed.  This film is “Kichidi” of many films or at least the hero characterization.

There are some actors who can perform their roles with such an accuracy leaving mark in the film even though their role is very small.  Once such actor is Arjun.  He selects roles which fits him and plays them perfectly.  No complains about Arjun role or his acting in his film.  He is a saving grace in this film.

Many directors and producers are very good in the beginning of their careers.  But as time goes on, their judgement becomes weak or they go according to their GUT Feeling.  That is what is happening with Producer Dil Raju.  We don’t expect this type of film from Dil Raju.

Hero Raam – He is good but getting routine in his acting, dialogue, dancing and mannerism which should be avoided as much as possible.  Two songs in this film are same like songs in his previous films like Ready and Maska.  Short hair style is not looking good.  He needs to work with new dance directors.  It is only because of his energetic acting, the film is watchable.

Producer Dil Raju - Thumps down.  Disappointed to have a movie like this from his banner.

Director Srivas – formula film are good only when u can mix them properly.  Need to work more on the story and lot of improvement needed in direction.

Photography – very ordinary and poor.

Heriones – Priya Anand is good but Bindu Madhavi…no comments.

Music – I always like Keeravani music.  Music composing for 200 films is no small achievement.  Long way to go but care must be taken to avoid composing like this.  Once song “Godavari” has keeravani mark and the rest are below average.

Note - Photos were taken from Google search and is used only for film review purpose and not for any commercialization.  Any issues with using the photos pls. contact me on and they will be removed promptly.

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