Monday, August 16, 2010

Telugu film "Robo" Music Review

How is it - Lifeless lyrics and beatless music...what is the use of such songs of a mass hero like rajni.

Song 1. O Maramanishi - Double voice of SP. This song is similar to many other rahman song. I feel like a school rhytme where u tell about problems and how to overcome them...kiddy. Robo...Robo...singing is little odd. OK - situational song.
Song 2. Neelo Valapu - Starting (terala) is very odd. similar to Baba duet song (baba O baba). Not suitable for Rajini.
Song 3. Inumolo O Hridayam - Both singers Rahman and Suzane Kash are good. Rehman must understand that people don't understand if u r going to give songs like Church prayers.....
Song 4. Chitti Dance Showcase - Good one (shades of Hindi film song Blue).
Song 5. Harima Harima - Composing is good. lyrics bad. (yeltuda.yeltuda - what is it?). Hariharan is good. Sadhana sargam voice is somewhat uncomfortable/odd at every takeoff(pitch).
Song 6. Kilimanjaro - I will be playing this for few times. Chinmayi is excellent specially when she sings those single words twice (khokhokho, arey nuru kotla, aaaa. yenchu..yenchukondi is sexy). Instead of Javed Ali, SP or Hariharan would be better choice for this song.
Song 7. Boom Boom Robo Ra - Single instrument played at the beginning of the song is good. (chitti chitti robo...if this was at the beginning of the would have been a good humming number for common fans). All singers are excellent. good composing. Will be repeating this song for a couple of times.
Note - photos are taken from google search and are used only for music review purpose and is not intended for any commercial usage. If anyone has any issues with the usage of photos, pls. let me know on and it will be promptly removed.

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